The majority of dogs experience breath issues at some point in their lives, regardless of how big or small they are. Fortunately, it is the kind of problem that is typically easy to fix. To find a good solution, you must first identify the problem's cause, which should be done as soon as possible.
Ideally, you should only offer your dog natural remedies; but, if the cause of the issue with your dog's breath is anything more serious, your dog may also require veterinary care.
Numerous illnesses, including intestinal or digestive problems, periodontal disease, gum disease, or even just an improper diet, can cause the symptoms of foul breath in dogs. First, think about a natural treatment option to make sure your pet stays healthy for the rest of his or her life.
If your dog consumes too much medication or uses it for too long, there could be unfavourable side effects. Having said that, it is highly advised that you take your dog to the doctor so that they can determine the precise cause of the problem.
And if it does turn out to be gum disease, you should schedule a cleaning visit with your veterinarian so you can more easily take care of your pet's oral health at home.
You are free to look into the available natural cures after your trip to the vet, where it was confirmed that your dog's bad breath issue is not caused by a serious medical condition that requires emergency medical care.
As was previously stated, it is nearly always preferable to pick an over-the-counter or home remedy over a medication that calls for a prescription when treating a medical problem.
If your dog has bad breath, lemon juice might be a great solution with dog bad breath home remedy. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is best, but you may also use bottled lemon juice as long as it doesn't contain any sugar or preservatives.
Sugar left on a dog's teeth can cause dental decay, just like it does with human teeth, and has no positive impact on breath. You only need to add a few teaspoons of lemon juice to the dish your dog uses to sip water when it comes to this.
One of the simplest and most effective therapies can be switching the food your dog eats. A dog's persistent bad breath is frequently caused by the diet they ingest.
Dry dog food is preferable to wet food because it helps to clean their teeth while they chew, whereas wet food leaves a residue.
If you currently feed dry food to your pet, you might want to try a new brand. Additionally, you should look into the possibilities offered at the pet store if you are feeding your dog a brand that you bought from a store.
The switch will typically be more expensive, but the benefits for your dog's health and the fewer trips to the vet will make it worthwhile.
I'll leave you with one final bit of advice: brush your dog's teeth. If your dog will allow it, brushing his teeth will only take a minute or two each day, but the improvement in the scent of his breath will be noticeable. You won't be able to accomplish it if your dog won't let you.
You may ask a nearby groomer if they provide a weekly or monthly service in which they will brush your dog for you if your dog is anything like mine and won't let you get close to him when you have a toothbrush in your hand. They frequently only charge a small fee to perform the job.